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FEAR MANAGEMENT LLC. DBA 'fearmanagement.org'


  1. Information and Contents provided in this web site are absolutely for information purposes only. It is for the purposes of explaining or understanding the fears or any other related matter. It is not a substitute for medical, mental wellness or professional advice. This information may not be construed as opinion, advice, consultation, expertise or knowledge of any psychiatry, psychological or medical or any other fields. We do not guarantee and do not make any claims for effectiveness of any techniques, reducing, removing or treating any fears, phobias, anxiety or any mental wellness related issues. You sign this disclaimer and terms of use to use this web site at your sole discretion.
  2. Information provided in the web site is without any racial bias or any prejudice for any people, their race, color, religion or ethnicity or for any community, region or country.
  3. Always contact your medical or mental health professionals, doctors, Psychiatrists, Psychotherapists, Counselors, Practitioners, other Professionals or Persons [hereinafter referred to as 'practitioners'] for correct diagnosis and treatment or other help. Any help obtained from practitioners, whose information may be provided in this web site, have their own independent licenses, permits or credentials and Insurances. Any issue, warranty or claim by the visitors must directly be addressed to such practitioners. FM cannot be held responsible or accountable for visitor's acceptance, reliance or dependence on any services rendered by the practitioners.
  4. Information distributed in this web site is for or without charge. It is up to you to follow or not to follow, without any responsibility, accountability or liability on the part of 'fearmanagement.org', its owners Fear Management LLC., its members of Board of advisors, its employees, directors, shareholders, or Agents or any person, firm or group directly or indirectly involved with the activities of this Web Site [hereinafter referred to as 'FM'].
  5. All possible care has been taken to provide information, content and functionality of the web site to the best of the knowledge of FM without any intension to misguide or misrepresent. You agree and understand the pros and cons of online information. FM assumes no responsibility or accountability for any act or omission of any nature or any errors or omission, while, giving the information about the subject matter in the web site. FM disclaims any and all liability for the consequences of your using the information provided on this web site. FM will not be held liable for any direct, indirect, consequential or punitive damages relating to the information provided in the web site.
  6. All information provided by you for registering as a visitor to the web site must be true and accurate. By, registering with this web site, you are giving informed and expressed consent and agreeing to the Disclaimer- General & Cyber Liability and terms of use clauses stated herein to visit and use the web site. This shall also serve as informed consent that chooses to reveal personal, health or other information through this web site.
  7. All efforts will be made to ensure that the information provided in the web site or by the visitors is protected from hacking, cyber attacks or its leakage. However, FM will not be responsible for its hacking, cyber attacks or leakage.
  8. Posting verbatim information from your communications with FM or your practitioners to a third party or social web sites is discouraged. It will not hold FM accountable or responsible for any effects this action may have.
  9. If you have any history of major psychiatric episodes, hospitalizations or drug/ alcohol dependence or have been diagnosed as any of the following- Borderline Personality Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Mentally ill/ chemically addicted [MICA], and/or Schizophrenia, you must pursue or continue to pursue the required help from the practitioners. FM recommends that those seeking mental health or medical advices must seek it in person from qualified professionals and experts.
  10. If you have considered or are considering suicide or believe yourself to be a potential threat to the safety of others, you must call 911 and notify the police in USA or any such contact number of any country, region, city, town or village.
  11. The access to this web site is permitted only to those persons who live in a country, province, state, region, district, city, town or village which has, not prohibited it by law, regulation, treaty, ordinance or any administrative act.
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  13. FM has no responsibility or liability for any defects or such other matters for the products, books or any other items supplied by the other vendors or manufacturers or publishers, which may be sold through this web site.
  14. FM reserves the right, at its sole discretion to add, amend, change, modify, delete or remove any contents, features, fees, charges, functionality or any information given in the web site or any terms of use and General and Cyber liability disclaimer clauses stated above with or without notice.



Congratulations & All the best.

- Chinu Shah- Businessman, USA