Fear of Learning new Technologies

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the things which you think you cannot do. - Eleanor Roosevelt
General Meaning of 'Learning new Technologies'
'New technologies' means technologies like Information technology, Wireless data, bio technologies, man- machine communications or robotics that are currently developing or will be developed in near future altering the business and social environments.
Fear of Learning new Technologies Explained
You may have fear of learning and using anything which is technologically advanced. You may resist learning anything in terms of new technology. You may have aversion to computers that leads to an inability to learn new advanced changes. You may be old school person who is accustomed to the tradi Read More..
What Probably Can Cause It
You may have this fear due to lack of knowledge, aversion to learn and unwillingness to educate yourself. You may be illiterate or lacking skills. You may be weak in Mathematics or English language. You may not be Tech Savvy person to understand Sci-fi advances in technologies. You may be of olde Read More..
Possible Signs
You would avoid using new technologies, new computers or new means of communications. You would not upgrade your old computer with new software. You may hire people to help you. You may experience breathlessness, dry mouth, nausea, excessive sweating or shaking.
Read More..Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear
Keeping yourself updated with the computers and latest technologies is very important. Why you want to limit your growth or career opportunities? This fear can be handled easily, if you are willing to learn computers and expose yourself to other advanced technologies. Try to do experiments and ma Read More..
Inspirational and Motivational
Just remember, panicking is not the strategy. Do the thing you fear most and you will get rid of that fear. A man who limits his interests is limiting his life. Accept any changes with whole heart. Curiosity and desire to learn new things can add to your knowledge and make you competent to compet Read More..
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