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Fear of Grave

A mind focused on doubt and fear cannot focus on the journey to victory. - Mike Jones  

General Meaning of 'Grave'

'Grave' means a place excavated under the ground to bury a dead body. 

Fear of Grave Explained

You may fear that when you die and your body is buried in the grave, your body would decay and be eaten by animal or worms. You may be afraid of being falsely treated as dead and put in the grave, while you are alive. Grave may remind you about death. You might have been exposed to graves in the Read More..

What Probably Can Cause It

You might have watched some situations on television or in movies, where someone is trapped inside the grave. This fear is mostly caused by myths, old stories, TV shows, movies and books. These sources may show the fearful and scary imaginations of graves that may cause this fear in you. Read More..

Possible Signs

You may have feeling of dread or panic, when you think of grave or burial ground. You may avoid situations in which burial or entrapment are remotely possible. You may show the signs of being scared, trembling, dizziness or uneasiness. 

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Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear

Actually, grave is the place where dead bodies are buried with traditional rituals. It is simply a final resting place. You would not find anything there which can fear you. You must understand that TV shows or movies are not realities. Adopt more idealistic approach towards death. There are many Read More..

Inspirational and Motivational

The fear is the silent killer. It ruins your life and happiness. Accept the reality and laugh out loud at the fears. Don’t forget that fear kills, help heals. Life is mortal. Those who are born have to die one day. Accept the reality of death.  Self appraisal is your arsenal to all odd Read More..

If you need any further help

please avail the professional advise or counseling by Clicking here


I found this web site very useful to me to understand all about fears. You guys have really put all things together at one place to be very helpful to those who are so much afraid for actually nothing real. Thanks, again.

- Suresh