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Fear of Dead things

Fear is an idea-crippling, experience-crushing, success-stalling inhibitor inflicted only by you. - Stephanie Melish- Sales Barista

General Meaning of 'Dead things'

'Dead things' means any organism including any animal or creature which is motionless and have no life. It also includes things associated with death like coffins, tombstones etc.

Fear of Dead things Explained

Most of the people are afraid of corpses or dead things. You may fear to be at the cemeteries or graveyards or to be near to them.  Your fear is also associated with a belief that the spirits of the dead will return to haunt you. This is the internal fear which affects your confidence. You h Read More..

What Probably Can Cause It

This fear triggers in you at the sight of any dead human body or dead animal.  You might have attended the funeral of any loved ones, relative or friend. You might have experienced a terrible event that involved things related to death. You might have witnessed famine conditions, where many Read More..

Possible Signs

You may have dry mouth and feel uneasy. You may have irregular breathing and may shake. You may perspire and would like to escape from the place as soon as possible.

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Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear

No fear can be larger than life. You must understand that end of any life is death. Be brave to fight out what is not real. Train your mind to accept the secrets of life. There are so many people associated with funeral and post mortem activities, hospitals, morgues, cemeteries or graveyards. The Read More..

Inspirational and Motivational

Aggravated or fearful mind cannot take any sound decisions. A lively mood lifts your spirits and brightens your day. Feel the victory. Don't be nervous. Concentrate on the present moments instead of what it reminds you of. You are bouncier than ever. Be aware that negative emotions affect you Read More..

If you need any further help

please avail the professional advise or counseling by Clicking here


I have 'Fear of 'Success', as I am successful man. I have read contents given in this remarkable work on this fear and wow !! I am now with reality and not pure imagination. Thank you for giving me new ways of thinking.

- Megh- MS from Stevens University, USA