Fear of Clowns

I think of myself as an intelligent, sensitive human being with the soul of a clown which always forces me to blow it at the most important moments. -- Jim Morrison
General Meaning of 'Clowns'
'Clown' means a person who wears funny clothes with unusual make up and makes people laugh by performing ridiculous tricks.
Fear of Clowns Explained
You may fear clowns due to its silly outfit or deformed or monstrous appearance. This is a irrational fear, as clown's unrealistic image creates negative emotions in you. Oftentimes, you may be afraid of clowns due to their abnormal juggling or tumbling. You may find the acts of the clown thr Read More..
What Probably Can Cause It
You might have seen some horror movies showing clown as evil character. They act very scary with ulterior motives in such movies. Some cartoon films or video games show clowns as killers. You might have a negative experience involving clown in your life. You might have felt embarrassed during you Read More..
Possible Signs
You may want to escape from the place where you find the clown. You may cry, scream or tremble. You will avoid amusement parks, circus or parades, where clowns are participating.
Read More..Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear
Fear of clowns is psychological. You are fearing clown due to its makeup or clothing which are artificial. You can avoid them by not going to circus, where you will find them. You should not see movies or cartoons, where they are shown as the evil characters. You should not participate or see par Read More..
Inspirational and Motivational
The happiness of your life depends on the quality of your thoughts. You cannot go to a new level with old way of thinking. Get rid of old approaches. Release old thinking and old habits. Be free from anything that keep you from your best. It's time to get a new vision for your life. It's Read More..
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