Have or Had you any Fear?
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Fear of Changes

Slow down and enjoy the life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast- you also miss the sense of where you are going and why. - Eddie Cantor 

General Meaning of 'Changes'

'Change' means variation, modification, replacement, transformation or transition.  

Fear of Changes Explained

You may have extreme fear of any change. You may fear to do, use or get one thing in place of another. You may fear to move from or change the home or a work location to another. You may fear to substitute another or others. You may fear to take other course of action or make other choice. You ma Read More..

What Probably Can Cause It

You may want to retain control over things and not willing to accept changes. You may feel unsecured due to changes. You might have undergone some emotional distress, trauma or negative experience due to the changes that occurred in your life. You might be habituated with or accustomed doing some Read More..

Possible Signs

You would not be comfortable with any kind of change or accepting anything new. You would avoid changing your thoughts, concepts, work, lifestyles or daily routines. You would live in the past and get depressed. You would be unwilling to make any move. You may show the signs of being confused, fa Read More..

Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear

Can you imagine the world without changes? Expect the changes in your life which are inevitable. You cannot avoid changes. Changes are bound to happen. Nothing is permanent. Expect the changes in your family, work, work place, information or daily routine. There could be economic, financial, inco Read More..

Inspirational and Motivational

You may be learning lessons every day in your life. But, you tend to forget them. Remember that some people will never change. Do not waste your time to change them. It's not worth to stress yourself out about those things on which you don't have any control. It's wise to get over it Read More..

If you need any further help

please avail the professional advise or counseling by Clicking here


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- Marian Smith