Fear of Being contaminated with dirt or germs

You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose the sight of the shore. - Christopher Columbus
General Meaning of 'Being contaminated with dirt or germs'
'Contamination' means any process or activity of making something impure or dirty by contact or mixture.
Fear of Being contaminated with dirt or germs Explained
This fear is very natural due to fact that any contamination in food or air or water can be harmful or deadly. All human beings are afraid of contamination, as it can cause disease or harm the bodily activities. Sometimes, it can take the life. Persons having this fear will be constantly careful Read More..
What Probably Can Cause It
This is an internal fear of becoming sick or contracting some disease. This is the fear of Mutilation like having our body's boundaries invaded, or of losing bodily natural function. You might have developed such fear due to an incident that links germs or dirt causing harm to bodily Read More..
Possible Signs
Do you feel breathlessness, heart palpitations, nausea, or loss of control at the sight of germ or dirt or filth? Chances are you are suffering from fear of being contaminated. You may also display signs of excessive washing, avoiding work that is dirty, unwillingness to share any personal items Read More..
Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear
The suggested techniques are very simple and within your reach. Only you would be able to do it by dedication and commitment. There are several ways that can help you getting rid of this fear which includes cognitive-behavioural therapy where you will have gradual exposures to feared items and si Read More..
Inspirational and Motivational
It's only you who can help yourself. Set yourself free from this fear and curiosity. Save thousands of dollars and your precious time by mental awareness. Remove this fear from your mind and enjoy better health. Gain the freedom from this fear to enjoy life to its fullest. This fear will neve Read More..
If you need any further help
please avail the professional advise or counseling by Clicking here

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