Fear of Becoming ill

He, who fears to suffer, suffers from fear. - Ralph Waldo
General Meaning of 'Becoming ill'
'Fear of becoming ill' means fear to fall sick or become ill by an ailment of physical or mental function.
Fear of Becoming ill Explained
This fear is about health-related physical illness. It encourages people to do exercise and to eat low fat foods. It leads such persons to make regular visits to dieticians to improve diets or to doctors for physical check up. They want to safeguard against any illness or to know in advance, if t Read More..
What Probably Can Cause It
This kind of fear may run in families, when they have history of some illness which may be hereditary or genetically. This fear can also be caused by some TV, press or media reports and consistent advertisements from pharmaceuticals companies or agencies about signs of illness. Warnings by World Read More..
Possible Signs
You may have persistent feelings that you might become ill. You may also be unreasonably concerned about your health at all times. You may undergo repeated physical exams and medical tests. You may not believe the results of first exams and tests and take second or third opinions. You may miss wo Read More..
Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear
You must understand that imaginations of becoming ill are not real. It’s actually your own preconceived notion that you may become ill. You’re not actually ill. Still, if you are not confident about your state of mind, you can opt for Exposure and Response Prevention techniques. You m Read More..
Inspirational and Motivational
Throw away your false fears. Believe strongly that all is well and all will be well. Every storm is followed by a Rainbow. There is nothing wrong to have desire to live healthy long life. But, such desire creates most fears. Taking actions to get rid of any kind of fear is half job done. Do not l Read More..
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