Fear of Atomic explosions

I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today. - William Allen White
General Meaning of 'Atomic explosions'
It is an explosion that releases extreme heat and cloud of dust due to nuclear blast. Wikipedia notes this explosion as a rapid dissemination of energy due to atomic reaction.
Fear of Atomic explosions Explained
Fear of atomic exposition is indeed a threatening fear we all experience some day in our lives due to the growing intolerance and terrorism. It is the fear of nuclear war in which atomic bombs can be dropped. It may lead to devastating casualties and claim thousands of human lives. This fear may Read More..
What Probably Can Cause It
This is the fear of extinction or fear of death. It is an external fear which is caused by knowledge of how an atomic explosion can carry out the destruction of human lives and property. The most common root cause of this fear is recalling the memories of atomic explosions in 1945 when atom Read More..
Possible Signs
The possible signs of this fear, like other fears are shortness of breath, fast breathing, unusual heartbeat, nausea, sweating, and an overall constant bad feeling.
Read More..Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear
You must understand that there is always very distant possibility of atomic explosions. All scientific care is always taken to safeguard the facilities having atomic reactors to make sure that explosions or leakages do not happen. Also, wars can happen. But, most of the countries will not resort Read More..
Inspirational and Motivational
Human life is full of dangers and risks all around. Some are man-made and some are natural. Be aware of those dangers and threats. Most of them are tapped, dealt with and sufficient protections have been deployed and kept in place. Otherwise, if anything is destined to happen, no one would be abl Read More..
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