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Fear of Cotton balls

What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

General Meaning of 'Cotton balls'

'Cotton ball' means a small soft ball of cotton used for cleaning skin or wound.

Fear of Cotton balls Explained

You may have an unusual fear of a small ball of soft absorbent cotton which is used to clean or remove the cosmetics. You may have an irrational fear of cotton ball used as cushion for fragile objects. You may have a rare fear of small ball of cotton used for removing make up or cleaning a wound Read More..

What Probably Can Cause It

You might have developed this fear in your childhood due to some negative or traumatic experience related to cotton balls. Such fear might have continued to linger in your mind in your adulthood too. You may have fear of cotton balls, as they resemble to the eggs of cockroaches, lizards or snakes Read More..

Possible Signs

You would avoid using cotton balls for any purpose. You would avoid opening any bottles of medicine supplies having cotton balls inside such bottles. You would not use ear buds. You would cry or scream at the sight of or even thought of cotton balls. You may experience nausea, elevated heart rate Read More..

Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear

This fear is very rare and unusual. Cotton balls are harmless and used for variety of purposes. This fear can easily be dealt with or managed. To overcome this fear, you may discuss your fear with your family members or close friends to find the ways to get rid of this fear. You may opt for hypno Read More..

Inspirational and Motivational

Do not wait for the stars to align. Reach up and arrange them as the way you want. Doubt kills more dreams than failure. Your only limit is you. You cannot live a positive life with a negative mind. Strength doesn’t come from what you can do but from overcoming those things that you once th Read More..

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- Jigar