Fear of Asteroids

Develop success from failures. Discouragement and failure are two of the surest stepping stones to success. - Dale Carnegie
General Meaning of 'Asteroids'
'Asteroids' means small rocky type bodies orbiting around the sun.
Fear of Asteroids Explained
You may have fear of small celestial bodies that orbit around the sun. You may have fear of irregularly shaped rocks in the space. You may have fear of minor planets that are located between the Mars and Jupiter. You may fear that asteroids may pass close to the earth. You may fear that asteroids Read More..
What Probably Can Cause It
You might have learned about the asteroids in your school or college. You might have heard some stories about the meteors entering the atmosphere of the earth causing lot of damage. You might have read articles or seen some movies describing meteors that have struck households causing huge casual Read More..
Possible Signs
You would avoid going out or looking at the sky in the night. You would be scared in starry night by noticing the falling stars. You would avoid going to the planetarium. You would regularly monitor news reports or read articles about asteroids. You may construct a bunker or safe room in your hom Read More..
Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear
Although it is true that often some asteroids may pass very close to the earth while orbiting, it has not happened that human beings are ever been hit by any asteroid in the past several thousand years. Asteroids hitting the earth is a pure imagination or assumption. Some interest in astronomy ma Read More..
Inspirational and Motivational
You may face challenges in life. When times get tough, it is tempting to just 'hunker down' and settle where you are. Avoid slipping into 'survival mode'. Survival mentality will keep you from moving towards growth. Brace for impact of challenges. You can turn this time into an op Read More..
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