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Fear of Time

I attribute my success to this. I never gave or took any excuse. - Florence Nightingale

General Meaning of 'Time'

'Time' is a stretch of duration measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, months or years. 

Fear of Time Explained

You may have anxiety that time is passing very fast and you have no control over it. You would feel uneasiness about passing time. You may have fear about time moving forward. You would feel that time and age is moving very fast. You may have anxiety that you will not get back the time which has Read More..

What Probably Can Cause It

You might have undergone a negative experience of not completing some work in given time. You might not have been able to complete your tasks before the deadline. You might have been in a prison for long time in the confined space completely cut off from the outside world to keep the track of pas Read More..

Possible Signs

You may not wear watch or do not keep any clocks in your home. You may experience panic, anxiety, delusions, depression, uneasiness, restlessness, sweating and unusual heartbeats. 

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Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear

You have to understand that you cannot stop the passing of time. You have to accept the fact that time lost or gone will not come back. Accept your aging process gracefully which is not given to many unfortunates. Be a good person without involving in any crime to avoid time in jail. Plan out you Read More..

Inspirational and Motivational

You may be hoping for something good to happen in your life. You may have faith that your difficulties may go away. You may be expecting to get something in your life which can change your life. If your thoughts are stuck, if you are focussed on what's wrong or if you are thinking what's Read More..

If you need any further help

please avail the professional advise or counseling by Clicking here


I found this web site very useful to me to understand all about fears. You guys have really put all things together at one place to be very helpful to those who are so much afraid for actually nothing real. Thanks, again.

- Suresh