Fear of Happiness [Gaiety]

Happiness of your present is, most of the time, ruined by the sadness of your past and fear of your future. - Unknown
General Meaning of 'Happiness [Gaiety]'
'Happiness [Gaiety] means a state of being joyful, cheerful and happy.
Fear of Happiness [Gaiety] Explained
You may fear that the expression of your joyful emotions would not be favourably viewed by the people. You may fear that your cheerfulness, tranquillity or happy times may not be liked by many. You may fear that expression of your pleasure may be negatively criticized by the people. You may fear Read More..
What Probably Can Cause It
You may belong to the culture which believes in modesty, chastity and humbleness in expression of your happiness. Some painful experience in past may create hindrance to express your joy. Some tragedy might have happened after some happy celebrations. You might have an experience of encountering Read More..
Possible Signs
You would avoid expressing your happiness. You would stay aloof and apathetic. You may carry the sense of doom at all times. You may show signs of nausea or dizziness.
Read More..Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear
Avoiding happiness does not make your life any better. Shutting doors on happiness is no answer to your fear. Just remember to express your happiness and gaiety, whenever you have occasions to do it, without worrying about what people would say or how they would view it. Trust in your destiny and Read More..
Inspirational and Motivational
Seek out for what you enjoy most, as enjoying life with happiness is a goal as any. Look out for those things which excite you most. Search for the opportunities to bring the happy times. Enjoying the life marked by pleasure or satisfaction leads you to peace of mind and tranquillity. Never ever Read More..
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