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Fear of Odors

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself. - Eleanor Roosevelt 

General Meaning of 'Odors'

'Odor' means an unpleasant smell.

Fear of Odors Explained

You may have a fear of odor which reduces your confidence to go social. You may have fear of odors which may prevent you to interact with others. Your fear odors may keep you away from the people. You may avoid getting near another person due to his/er emitting body's odor. Your fear of odor Read More..

What Probably Can Cause It

It could be your shoes, clothes, refrigerator, rooms, scents or even passing through your neighbourhood. You might have a traumatic experience of bad smell causing migraines. You might have involved in an accident that has developed this fear every time you smell the smoke. You may come across ba Read More..

Possible Signs

You may cover your nose to avoid smelling. You may avoid passing through the places of odors. You may vomit at the places of odors. You may make your face unpleasant. You may feel dizzying, shaking or nausea.  

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Suggested Techniques to Deal with and Manage this Fear

When you reach the point where you realize that this fear is unbearable, there are ways to deal with it. No one likes the bad odor. You are not an exception. The most prevalent technique to deal with this fear is cognitive behavioural therapy. It educates you about this fear, explain the reasons Read More..

Inspirational and Motivational

Sometimes, follow your mood instead of fighting with it. It may be for some reason. If you allow it to flow it, it may go away. If you fight with it, it may stay longer. You have to deal with the unexpected in life. When something unexpected happens, you don't have to go into panic mode. When Read More..

If you need any further help

please avail the professional advise or counseling by Clicking here


Hi I used to have fear for driving.i was keep searching in the google and then i found your website.i started reading here about fear for driving .i am very impressed with the contents you have here ,after a month of reading everyday in your website, i started practicing with my husband Kishan and now i started driving on my own.great work. Thank you. My best wishes are always with you.

- Sharmistha Sarkar